
This notebook summarizes the realtime-kinetic measurements.


Before running this notebook, you need to pre-process the data with:

This pre-processing analyzes the 3 measurement data files, compute the moving-window slices, the number of bursts and fits the population fractions. All results are saved as TXT in the results folder.

The present notebook loads these results and presents a summary.

In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

In [2]:
import time
start_time = time.time()

'Tue Mar 28 09:02:25 2017'

In [3]:
import analysis

numpy: 1.11.2
numba: 0.28.1
lmfit: 0.9.5

In [4]:
import models

In [5]:
filenames = ['multispot_2015-07-%d_'+f for f in [
filenames = [f % d for f, d in zip(filenames, (31, 29, 30))]


Measurement 0

In [6]:
meas_id = 0
fitres, params = analysis.process(filenames[meas_id], post = (600, 1700), post2_start=2200)

  PRE Number of bursts (detrended):  2107.4 MEAN, 11441.3 VAR,  5.429 VAR/MEAN
 POST Number of bursts (detrended):  1526.9 MEAN,  7578.7 VAR,  4.964 VAR/MEAN
POST2 Number of bursts (detrended):  2155.3 MEAN,  8513.3 VAR,  3.950 VAR/MEAN
  PRE Kinetics 30s:     1.910 STD, 0.349 STD detrended.
 POST Kinetics 30s:     2.940 STD, 0.634 STD detrended.
POST2 Kinetics 30s:     2.707 STD, 0.758 STD detrended.
 FIT  Simple Exp (t0_vary=False):  tau(w=5s) = 183.6s  tau(w=30s) = 169.2s  Delta = 7.8%
 FIT  Window Exp (t0_vary=False):  tau(w=5s) = 186.4s  tau(w=30s) = 186.1s  Delta = 0.2%
 FIT  Simple Exp (t0_vary=True):  tau(w=5s) = 164.2s  tau(w=30s) = 166.6s  Delta = -1.4%
 FIT  Window Exp (t0_vary=True):  tau(w=5s) = 163.8s  tau(w=30s) = 163.5s  Delta = 0.2%

In [7]:
res, resw, rest0f, reswt0f, ci, ciw = fitres

In [8]:

{'final_value': 0.61143382736653906,
 'init_value': 0.16225863647770761,
 't0': 2.4654004383584818,
 'tau': 166.5552091801585}

In [9]:
import lmfit

In [10]:

{'final_value': 0.61143382736653906,
 'init_value': 0.16225863647770761,
 't0': 2.4654004383584818,
 'tau': 166.5552091801585}

In [11]:

{'decimation': 5,
 'final_value': 0.61113940875058759,
 'init_value': 0.16256360068986686,
 'sigma': 0,
 't0': 19.929171118497514,
 't_window': 30,
 'tau': 163.50806434762902}

In [12]:
methods, windows, step = analysis._get_methods_windows_step(filenames[0])

In [13]:
[res[k].redchi for k in sorted(res)]

[0.004161399048193291, 0.00067287526939391307, 0.00029921519235193785]

In [14]:
[resw[k].redchi for k in sorted(resw)]

[0.0041615122563631009, 0.00067320645193437543, 0.00030355814216865293]

In [15]:
tau = {k: r.best_values['tau'] for k, r in res.items()}
tauw = {k: r.best_values['tau'] for k, r in resw.items()}

In [16]:

{5: 164.19004515054351, 30: 166.5552091801585, 60: 161.76541258802143}

In [17]:

{5: 163.82477484176275, 30: 163.50806434762902, 60: 157.80904969108445}

In [18]:
p = {window: params['em', window, 1] for window in windows}

Plot FRET hist evolution

In [19]:
def gauss3():
    peak1 = lmfit.models.GaussianModel(prefix='p1_')
    peak3 = lmfit.models.GaussianModel(prefix='p3_')
    peak2 = lmfit.models.GaussianModel(prefix='p2_')
    model = peak1 + peak2 + peak3
    model.set_param_hint('p1_center', value=0, min=0, max=0.2)
    model.set_param_hint('p2_center', value=0.5, min=0, max=1)
    model.set_param_hint('p3_center', value=0.9, min=0.8, max=1)
    model.set_param_hint('p1_sigma', value=0.02, min=0.01, max=0.2)
    model.set_param_hint('p2_sigma', value=0.02, min=0.01, max=0.2)
    model.set_param_hint('p3_sigma', value=0.02, min=0.01, max=0.1)
    model.set_param_hint('p1_amplitude', value=1, min=0.01)
    model.set_param_hint('p2_amplitude', value=1, min=0.01)
    model.set_param_hint('p3_amplitude', value=1, min=0.01) = '3 gauss peaks'
    return model

In [20]:
model = gauss3()

In [21]:
px = p[60]

In [22]:
p_names = ('p1_center', 'p1_sigma', 
           'p2_amplitude', 'p2_center', 'p2_sigma',
           'p3_amplitude', 'p3_center', 'p3_sigma')
params = px.loc[:, p_names]
params['p1_amplitude'] = 1 - params.p2_amplitude - params.p3_amplitude

In [23]:
E = np.arange(-0.1, 1.11, 0.001)
time = np.arange(-0, 530, 30)
c = sns.color_palette('RdYlBu', len(time))

In [24]:
with sns.axes_style("ticks"):
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6, 4))
    for i, t in enumerate(time):
        y_dist = model.eval(x=E, **dict(params.loc[t]))
        plt.plot(E, y_dist, 
                 lw=4, alpha=1, color=c[i % len(c)], label='%d s' % t)

    #plt.ylim(0, 4)
    plt.ylabel('Probability (A.U.)')
    ax.text(0.4, 1.6, 'time', fontsize=18)
    #ax.arrow(0.5, 1.5, 0.2, -1, head_width=0.1, head_length=0.1, overhang=0.2, lw=2, fc='k', ec='k')
    ax.annotate('', xy=(0.6, 0.2,), xytext=(0.4, 1.5), size=15,
    sns.despine(fig, ax, trim=True, offset=10, left=False)
    plt.savefig('figures/paper_fig_rk_E_hist.png', dpi=200, bbox_inches='tight')

Load quenched kinetics data

In [25]:
quenchk = pd.DataFrame.from_csv('quenched_kinetics.txt') = 'time'

time 15 30 60 120 180 300 480 780 1200
kinetics 0.05852 0.1046 0.30983 0.434 0.64508 0.8609 0.88167 0.83907 0.87321

For visualization, normalize quenched kinetics data to same initial and final values as realtime kinetics:

In [26]:
qk_init, qk_final = float(quenchk.iloc[0]), float(quenchk.iloc[-1])
qk_init, qk_final

(0.05852, 0.87321)

In [27]:
w = windows[1]
rk_init = resw[w].best_values['init_value']
rk_final = resw[w].best_values['final_value']
w, rk_init, rk_final

(30, 0.16256360068986686, 0.61113940875058759)

In [28]:
quenchk['norm_kinetics'] = ((quenchk.kinetics - qk_init)/(qk_final - qk_init)
                            *(rk_final - rk_init) + rk_init)

In [29]:
model = models.factory_model_exp()

In [30]:
qk_res =, t=quenchk.index)

In [31]:

{'final_value': 0.88492356844431397,
 'init_value': 0.0038305763251879066,
 't0': 10.086876335068641,
 'tau': 131.49903058185413}

In [32]:
w, wshort = 30, 5
tau_str = (r'$\tau_{%ds} = %.1f s (%.1f, %.1f)$' % (w, tauw[w], ciw[w]['tau'][2][1], ciw[w]['tau'][4][1]))

with sns.axes_style("ticks"): 
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 4))
    ax.set_xlim(-630, 1730)
    ax.plot('tmean', 'kinetics', 'o', alpha=0.2, color='grey', data=p[wshort], label='')
    ax.plot('tmean', 'kinetics', 'o', alpha=1,, data=p[w], label='')
    ax.plot(p[w].tstart, models.expwindec_func(p[w].tstart, **resw[w].best_values),
            color='k', label=tau_str)
    #ax.legend(loc='lower right', fontsize=18);
    ax.plot('norm_kinetics', data=quenchk, ls='', marker='s', color='brown')
    ax.set_xlabel('Time (s)')
    ax.legend(loc='lower right', 
              labels=['(a) 5s Integration', '(b) 30s Integration', 'Fit of (b)', 'Quenched Kinetics'],
    ax.text(-80, 0.7, '+NTP', fontsize=18)
    ax.arrow(0, 0.65, 0, -0.25, head_width=30, head_length=0.1, overhang=0.2, lw=2, fc='k', ec='k')
    ax.set_yticks(np.arange(0, 1, 0.2))
    sns.despine(fig, ax, trim=True, offset=5)
    plt.savefig('figures/paper_fig_kinetics.png', dpi=200, bbox_inches='tight')

In [33]:
w, wshort = 60, 5
tau_str = (r'$\tau_{%ds} = %.1f s (%.1f, %.1f)$' % (w, tau[w], ci[w]['tau'][2][1], ci[w]['tau'][4][1]))

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 4))
ax.set_xlim(-600, 1700)
ax.plot('tstart', 'kinetics', 'o', alpha=0.2, color='grey', data=p[wshort], label='')
ax.plot('tstart', 'kinetics', 'o', alpha=0.5,, data=p[w], label='')
ax.plot(p[w].tstart, models.expwindec_func(p[w].tstart, **resw[w].best_values),
        color='k', label=tau_str)
ax.legend(loc='lower right', fontsize=18)

<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x11d3ca908>

Save Fit Results in DataFrame

Create DataFrame

In [34]:
index = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([(0, 1, 2), windows, (True, False), (True, False)], 
                                   names=['meas_id', 'window', 'integr', 't0_vary'])

MultiIndex(levels=[[0, 1, 2], [5, 30, 60], [False, True], [False, True]],
           labels=[[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2], [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2], [1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0], [1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0]],
           names=['meas_id', 'window', 'integr', 't0_vary'])

In [35]:
fitdata = pd.DataFrame(index=index, columns=['tau', 't0', 'init_value', 'final_value', 'redchi'], dtype=float)
fitdata = fitdata.sort_index()

Fill DataFrame

In [36]:


In [37]:
for i, w in enumerate(windows):
    fitdata.loc[meas_id, w, False, True] = {**res[w].best_values, 'redchi': res[w].redchi*1e3} 
    fitdata.loc[meas_id, w, False, False] = {**rest0f[w].best_values, 'redchi': rest0f[w].redchi*1e3} 
    fitdata.loc[meas_id, w, True, True] = {**resw[w].best_values, 'redchi': resw[w].redchi*1e3}
    fitdata.loc[meas_id, w, True, False] = {**reswt0f[w].best_values, 'redchi': reswt0f[w].redchi*1e3}

In [38]:

tau t0 init_value final_value redchi
meas_id window integr t0_vary
0 5 False False 183.611616 0.000000 0.162261 0.615514 4.194970
True 164.190045 17.078754 0.164771 0.613527 4.161399
True False 186.431689 0.000000 0.161932 0.615809 4.205071
True 163.824775 19.808516 0.164821 0.613491 4.161512
30 False False 169.219088 0.000000 0.161857 0.611694 0.673172

In [39]:
assert (fitdata.loc[pd.IndexSlice[meas_id, :, :, False], 't0'] == 0).all()

Measurement 1

In [40]:
meas_id = 1
fitres, params = analysis.process(filenames[meas_id], post = (600, 1500), post2_start=2200)

  PRE Number of bursts (detrended):  1259.5 MEAN,  8054.8 VAR,  6.395 VAR/MEAN
 POST Number of bursts (detrended):   829.8 MEAN,  2896.6 VAR,  3.491 VAR/MEAN
POST2 Number of bursts (detrended):  1214.9 MEAN,  4534.8 VAR,  3.733 VAR/MEAN
  PRE Kinetics 30s:     2.846 STD, 1.689 STD detrended.
 POST Kinetics 30s:     4.074 STD, 0.308 STD detrended.
POST2 Kinetics 30s:     3.243 STD, 0.767 STD detrended.
 FIT  Simple Exp (t0_vary=False):  tau(w=5s) = 168.8s  tau(w=30s) = 156.9s  Delta = 7.1%
 FIT  Window Exp (t0_vary=False):  tau(w=5s) = 153.7s  tau(w=30s) = 174.1s  Delta = -13.2%
 FIT  Simple Exp (t0_vary=True):  tau(w=5s) = 116.4s  tau(w=30s) = 120.6s  Delta = -3.6%
 FIT  Window Exp (t0_vary=True):  tau(w=5s) = 116.7s  tau(w=30s) = 120.7s  Delta = -3.4%

In [41]:
params = analysis.load_fit_data(filenames[meas_id])

In [42]:
kin = (-600, 1600)
p1 = params['em', 5, 1]
p2 = params['em', 30, 1]
p3 = params['em', 60, 1]
p2.index = p2.tstart
p2k = p2.loc[kin[0]:kin[1]]
p3.index = p3.tstart
p3k = p3.loc[kin[0]:kin[1]]

In [43]:
methods, windows, step = analysis._get_methods_windows_step(filenames[1])
decimation = 5
method = 'nelder'

[5, 30, 60]

In [44]:
t0_vary = True
modelw3 = models.factory_model_expwin(tau=150, t_window=windows[2], decimation=decimation, t0_vary=t0_vary)
resw3 =, t=p3k.tstart, verbose=False, method=method)
resw3 =, t=p3k.tstart, verbose=False)

{'decimation': 5,
 'final_value': 0.57112808197768239,
 'init_value': 0.10858474269780688,
 'sigma': 0,
 't0': 41.708453304204568,
 't_window': 60,
 'tau': 128.45730947805765}

In [45]:
t0_vary = True
modelw2 = models.factory_model_expwin(tau=150, t_window=windows[1], decimation=decimation, t0_vary=t0_vary)
resw2 =, t=p2k.tstart, verbose=False, method=method)
resw2 =, t=p2k.tstart, verbose=False)

{'decimation': 5,
 'final_value': 0.57130626300580456,
 'init_value': 0.1097517149052824,
 'sigma': 0,
 't0': 46.25972803879889,
 't_window': 30,
 'tau': 123.5217645024355}

In [46]:
fig_width = 14
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(fig_width, 4))
#ax.plot('tstart', 'kinetics', 'o', alpha=0.2, color='grey', data=p1)
ax.plot('tstart', 'kinetics', 'o', alpha=0.5, data=p2k)
ax.plot('tstart', 'kinetics', 'o', alpha=0.5, data=p3k)
ax.plot(p2k.tstart-15, models.expwindec_func(p2k.tstart, **resw2.best_values), 'm')
ax.plot(p3k.tstart, models.expwindec_func(p3k.tstart, **resw3.best_values), 'k')
ax.set_xlim(kin[0], kin[1])
# ax.text(kin[0]+50, 0.62, r'$\tau_{5s} = %.1f s (%.1f, %.1f)$' % (tauw1, ciw1['tau'][2][1], ciw1['tau'][4][1]), fontsize=18)
#ax.text(kin[0]+50, 0.52, r'$\tau_{30s} = %.1f s (%.1f, %.1f)$' % (tauw2, ciw2['tau'][2][1], ciw2['tau'][4][1]), fontsize=18)
# title = 'Kinetics Fit - Intergrated Exponential (t0_vary=%s)' % t0_vary
# ax.set_title(title, fontsize=fs)

(-600, 1600)

Save results 1

In [47]:


In [48]:
methods, windows, step = analysis._get_methods_windows_step(filenames[meas_id])
res, resw, rest0f, reswt0f, ci, ciw = fitres

for i, w in enumerate(windows):
    fitdata.loc[meas_id, w, False, True] = {**res[w].best_values, 'redchi': res[w].redchi*1e3} 
    fitdata.loc[meas_id, w, False, False] = {**rest0f[w].best_values, 'redchi': rest0f[w].redchi*1e3} 
    fitdata.loc[meas_id, w, True, True] = {**resw[w].best_values, 'redchi': resw[w].redchi*1e3}
    fitdata.loc[meas_id, w, True, False] = {**reswt0f[w].best_values, 'redchi': reswt0f[w].redchi*1e3}

In [49]:
assert (fitdata.loc[pd.IndexSlice[meas_id, :, :, False], 't0'] == 0).all()

Measurement 2

In [50]:
meas_id = 2
fitres, params = analysis.process(filenames[meas_id], post = (600, 1500), post2_start=2200)

  PRE Number of bursts (detrended):  1488.2 MEAN, 11869.6 VAR,  7.976 VAR/MEAN
 POST Number of bursts (detrended):  1082.9 MEAN,  3898.1 VAR,  3.600 VAR/MEAN
POST2 Number of bursts (detrended):  1470.0 MEAN,  5569.3 VAR,  3.789 VAR/MEAN
  PRE Kinetics 30s:     2.245 STD, 0.876 STD detrended.
 POST Kinetics 30s:     3.759 STD, 1.080 STD detrended.
POST2 Kinetics 30s:     3.129 STD, 1.099 STD detrended.
 FIT  Simple Exp (t0_vary=False):  tau(w=5s) = 176.7s  tau(w=30s) = 165.8s  Delta = 6.2%
 FIT  Window Exp (t0_vary=False):  tau(w=5s) = 176.0s  tau(w=30s) = 183.5s  Delta = -4.3%
 FIT  Simple Exp (t0_vary=True):  tau(w=5s) = 161.9s  tau(w=30s) = 168.8s  Delta = -4.2%
 FIT  Window Exp (t0_vary=True):  tau(w=5s) = 161.7s  tau(w=30s) = 168.2s  Delta = -4.0%

Save results 2

In [51]:


In [52]:
methods, windows, step = analysis._get_methods_windows_step(filenames[meas_id])
res, resw, rest0f, reswt0f, ci, ciw = fitres

for i, w in enumerate(windows):
    fitdata.loc[meas_id, w, False, True] = {**res[w].best_values, 'redchi': res[w].redchi*1e3} 
    fitdata.loc[meas_id, w, False, False] = {**rest0f[w].best_values, 'redchi': rest0f[w].redchi*1e3} 
    fitdata.loc[meas_id, w, True, True] = {**resw[w].best_values, 'redchi': resw[w].redchi*1e3}
    fitdata.loc[meas_id, w, True, False] = {**reswt0f[w].best_values, 'redchi': reswt0f[w].redchi*1e3}

In [53]:
assert (fitdata.loc[pd.IndexSlice[meas_id, :, :, False], 't0'] == 0).all()

In [54]:
fitdata.sortlevel(0, axis=0, inplace=True)

In [55]:
df = fitdata.xs((False, True), level=('integr', 't0_vary'))
dfw = fitdata.xs((True, True), level=('integr', 't0_vary'))

In [56]:
#fitdata.loc[(slice(None), slice(30,60), True, True), ]

In [57]:
dfw - df

tau t0 init_value final_value redchi
meas_id window
0 5 -0.365270 2.729762 0.000050 -0.000036 0.000113
30 -3.047145 17.463771 0.000305 -0.000294 0.000331
60 -3.956363 32.658007 0.000025 -0.000358 0.004343
1 5 0.330832 -13.901431 -0.000051 0.000038 0.000167
30 0.117892 14.365002 -0.000269 0.000008 -0.003695
60 -1.460669 29.995647 -0.000582 -0.000146 -0.002856
2 5 -0.143224 -0.470829 0.000019 -0.000015 0.000241
30 -0.509594 15.092182 -0.000077 -0.000058 0.000973
60 -3.516812 31.799738 -0.000181 -0.000416 -0.001412

In [58]:
fitdata = fitdata.round({'tau': 1, 't0': 1, 'init_value': 3, 'final_value': 3, 'redchi': 3})

tau t0 init_value final_value redchi
meas_id window integr t0_vary
0 5 False False 183.6 0.0 0.162 0.616 4.195
True 164.2 17.1 0.165 0.614 4.161
True False 186.4 0.0 0.162 0.616 4.205
True 163.8 19.8 0.165 0.613 4.162
30 False False 169.2 0.0 0.162 0.612 0.673

In [59]:

In [60]:
import time
print('Execution duration: %d s' % (time.time() - start_time))

Execution duration: 79 s